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  • Intervention Area  and Community served -:    Sahariya is a tribe among primitive tribe group which is residing in Madhya prdesh, Rajashthan and uttar prdesh. Under this programme we are covering 20 villages of each district (Guna, Sheopur and Ashoknagar).
  •  Objective-:
  1. Creating  awareness  among  the  indigenous  community  about  their  rights  and entitlements with especial focus on children and PWDs rights.
  2. Creating the Gender sensitivity and act accordingly at the community level.
  3. Freedom from fear, harassment and hunger.
  • Strategy for the initiative-:
  1. Cluster approach would be continued as there would be 10 villages in one cluster, total 60 villages will be covered in three districts and 4 blocks.
  2. Strengthen the people’s organization SAJAG, which is emerging against the unequal power dynamics in the area.
  3. To align with the Manavadhikar Forum, which is addressing the issue of Sahariya identity at the state level to pressurize the government to protect this indigenous community?
  4. Special attention to be paid for Women group, children groups and people with disability (PWDs) to be a part of the entire struggle and demand their rights.
  5. Pressure building effort on the local government and line department would be continued through people movement for protecting the Rights of the tribal over land and forest.
  6. People advocacy effort including media advocacy on the livelihood issues food security and social security issues of the community.
  7. Capacity building and viable linkages among the panchayat representatives, gram sabha members and community leaders.
  8. Networking among the likeminded community based organizations,  networks, NGOs, activists etc. at state and national level.
  9. Documentation of the processes and gathering of gender segregated data.
  10. To create pressure on local agencies and institutions at local as well as at the regional level to secure work, food, stop violation, atrocities etc.
  • Main outcomes-:
  1. More than 95 % house hold own ration card as well as job cards.
  2. More than 90 percent people got job cards.
  3. 204 malnourished children have been admitted in Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre.
  4. 48 women got benefit through National family benefit scheme.
  5. More than 620 families got land patta.
  6. 6.  More than 10 Aganwadi and 8 schools have been opened through advocacy.
  7. Sahariya Jan Gathbandhan has been spread its base in three districts.


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