Nukkad Natak

Nukkad Natak

Street plays are being used since long to convey the massage to the mass, Centre for integrated development have used street plays as a tool to spread information about the social securities schemes,the plays were focused on the social security schemes available for the worker of informal sectors specifically for the Carpet weavers and Bidi rollers.20160831_104940

The script of the plays were designed by the Firoz Khan, Project Coordinator for EC-PIE project, plays have covered all the schemes and the information and labor laws, and it was conveyed to the audience in a very effective and entertaining way. Street Plays were performed by Samvad Group.

Play was about a family of bidi worker, who is very upset due to the low income o20160826_133957f bidi rolling, he rolls bidi and also works as a auto driver while his wife also rolls bidi, due to low income he is not able to send children to school, and provide proper food, one of his friend comes his home and tells him about all the schemes running for the bidi workers and also about the scholarships available for children of Bidi worker.

Another story was about a carpet weaver who is  also in the same financial state due to low wages in carpet weaving and going through the same circumstances, one of his friend informs him about the schemes he is eligible for being a carpet weaver.

Play also informs the audience that 20160826_150449how CID is helping Bidi rollers and Carpet weavers, how they can have access to the worker facility and resource centers which were setup by CID in their area, they were also informed about the procedure to get registered.One section of the play also focused on the Quacks, audience were informed that how quacks do their practice.

These plays were comic as well as intense at the same time and dialog were very connected to the people, which helped to keep audience connected to the play from start to end. Total 12 Nukkad Natak were performed between 26 Aug to 31 August 2016






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