Women Empowerment


Women Empowerment has centralize the world under head of UN to protect women rights across the globe and this revolutionary change has come gradually as graph of awareness is elevating among women with time. Governing Body of India also come up with Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and the Compulsory Registration of Marriage Act, 2006 , The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013;to protect the rights of women but to ensure the execution of these act grass root level work is required among the women of underprivileged community which are most vulnerable for women’s physical, social and mental exploitation.


CID, serving people of Gwalior; understands that suburbs and villages of Gwalior and deprived community of city are in utmost need of repair of women’s development. Concerning this CID has started various educational and development oriented programs for women.


SHG: A Self Help Group is a group formed by the people mainly women of same interest coming together with their own wish to support each other financially and to discuss , resolve their common and individual issues with mutual understanding and intelligence. A SHG is meant to develop leadership quality and team work among women and empower them to support their families with monetary aid.

  • Women deposited their savings into their SHG
  • SHGs provides loan to its members
  • Develop leadership and decision making among women.


DSCN1612Community Committees: Community Committee is the group of people of same concern coming together to solve their social and life issue on their own with help of mutual understanding, coordination and cooperation

  • Social Development of women through Community Committee made them able to raise their words.
  • Women are aware about their rights.
  • Women of community committee are spreading awareness about women rights, health, sanitation and hygiene.


Adolescent Girls Group: To get good fruit, corps must be irrigated and cared very well, to give an educated and aware woman to society CID is pouring knowledge into the adolescent girls. Girls of these groups are being trained on various aspect of life such as changes occur during adolescence, personal hygiene, health, women rights, child rights, environment conservation.



Health of women is another issue which is seeking attention of the people who can help to bring it out of danger. CID is puttin
g best of its effort to help women to get the good health. CID is working on maternal health improvement.


CID is contributing its part in Social, Economic, Mental, Physical development of women.