Funded By : TDH Germany and TDH Suisse
Child labour is a stigma on Indian society many government programmes are being roll-out to address this issue, But these efforts are not adequate until society and civil society will not participate in its full swing. Keeping this view, CID committed to mitigate child labour in District Gwalior. Child labour detain development of children.
- Community served-: This project is basically served each and every community mostly the families’ form migrated labour section and Minority (Muslim) community is more in number.
- Intervention Area-: Gwalior District
Eradication of Child Labour by removing them from their workplace and providing support in area of education, health, better upbringing and developing better environment through community empowerment, awareness building and advocacy efforts”
- Specific objectives, short term (please complete also the format for Project Activity Planning and Follow-up)-:
- To bring down the drop out ratio by supporting children at Remedial Centers proper follow up at formal schools.
- To eradicate children from work or reduce their working hrs along with prevention of new children from entering in to the labour market.
- Provide proper and better education to the children.
- To motivate the parents to send their children in formal education system.
- To inculcate general awareness regarding CRC and related issues.
- Promote health and hygiene education and treatment facilities for the children.
- To sensitize general public and peoples representatives, govt. officials, employers and the parents about CRC in general and child labour in particular.
- Advocacy for improvement in Government school’s infrastructure and quality issue.
- Measures taken to render local partner autonomous and independent, including financially-:
Main Outcomes
- EDUCATION-: We have 9 child development Centers under this project. There are 3 Day Care Centers, 2 Development Centers, 4 Support Centers and 2 other centers running by CID and conducting learning level assessment of student’s progress, providing nutrition support.
- HEALTH-: Most of the child labor belong poor families deprive from basic health amenities. Due to this reason every month not only health camp is organized but drugs also provided.
- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMMENT-: Total 37 SHGs and 29 Community committees have been formed till December 2007. Among of those 10 SHGs and 2 communities comities have newly formed during this period. Out of them total 7 SHGs account open in this period by our team members. And 1 unit of community comity training was held during this period. The aim of this programme is strengthening capacity building of members of community committees and SHGs through different kinds of training.
- ADVOCACY & NET WORKING-: Workshops, Networking with other allied system, publishing resource materials, Campaign for protection of child rights. During this period C.I.D organized a networking meeting with NGOs and CBOs representative for eradication of Child labour and rehabilitation them.