Hamara School Project

  • Community served -:    Children (03 to 18 Year) of remote villages is being targeted for imparting qualitative education.
  • Intervention Area -:  24 Villages of Vijaipur block of Sheopur district.
  • Objective-:   CID is working with sole objective mainstreaming   children   in   developmental process through quality education.
  • Strategies-:     
  1. Sensitization  of  community  on education.
  2. Ensure enrolment of all childrenand their retention.
  3. To bring down the drop out ratio by constant follow up and supporting    system    for children in education (remedial classes).
  4. Promote health and hygiene education.
  • Activities of Bal panchayat-:
  1. Bridge  up  gaps  between  existing  primary  educational  system  and community.
  2. Networking among all stakeholders.
  3. Advocacy  for  improvement  in  Government  school’s  infrastructure  and quality issues.
  • Main outcomes-:
  1. Through combined advocacy of Community and CID two aganwadi centers have been sanctioned for Baraid and Danganpura village.
  2. Earlier aganwadi workers only distributed nutritional food on Tuesday. On others day neither children nor Aganwadi worker came or work but due to efforts of CID and community now aganwadi workers working four to five days in a week.
  3. At three villages aganwadi workers started imparting preschool education.
  4. CID team ensured 100% enrolment of children in Schools as well as aganwadi center.
  5. Now attendance of children at aganwadi has increased up to 60% to 70 % earlier it was 30% to 40%..
  6. Two Aganwadi worker and three assistant aganwadi worker have been recruited after advocacy. Distributions of Nutrition food have been increased.
  7. Five Aganwadi centre building and three school building have sanctioned through advocacy.
  8. Attendance of children at school also improved up to 70% to 80% percent earlier it was 30% to 40% percent.
  9. Mid day meal of most of the village have been regularized.


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