Zinc-ORS based diarrhea management project

ASHAdetailer                  Center for Integrated Development is implementing Zinc-ORS project under public sector of CHAI Essential Medicine Program at 8 districts of Gwalior and Chambal. The project objective to ensure long term sustainability of ORS/Zinc treatment by integrating in to health department ultimately increasing product usage.

         Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of U-5 child mortality and is responsible for killing 1.5 million children every year. The Government of India endorses combined use of Zinc Tablet and low osmolality Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) as one of the most cost-effective health interventions and has issued directives and guidelines to ensure utilization of zinc and ORS for the treatment of diarrhea. The Annual Health Survey 2010 – 11 data for Madhya Pradesh shows that about 15.2 per cent of under-five children suffered from diarrhea. As per latest SRS 2011 Infant mortality rate is very high (67) in Madhya Pradesh from national (50) and Mortality rate under 5 year age group is very high (89) in Madhya Pradesh from the national( 69) . As per the population census 2011, the population of less than 5 years of age of Madhya Pradesh constitutes 14% means of total population means approx. population under 5 year age would be approx. 8715217 and child death due to diarrhea in Madhya Pradesh is 15%,  it means total apprx diarrhea projected cases in Madhya Pradesh is around 1307283.

          We know what needs to be done to reduce the burden of childhood diarrhea. A package of proven prevention and treatment measures are now available known as Zinc-ORS therapy  that,  if  taken  to as per prescribed scale, would have a profound impact on reducing child deaths and would lead to a significant reduction in the prevalence and incidence of diarrhea cases in the medium to long term.


What will be the Treatment package which will be promoted?

  1. Supplementary fluid intake to prevent dehydration using Low-Osmolarity ORS.
  2. Prescribed treatment by Zinc tablets.

“Oral rehydration therapy is the cornerstone of fluid replacement. New elements of this approach include low-osmolarity ORS, which are more effective at replacing fluids than the previous ORS formulation, and zinc treatment, which decreases diarrhea severity and duration. Important additional components of the package are continued feeding, including breastfeeding, during the diarrhea episode.”


Who will be the target group for intervention?

  • Frontline health workers like ASHA, Aaganwadi worker, and A.N.M.
  • Department of health and family welfare and NHM.


Who will be beneficiary group after intervention?

  • All children especially below 5 years of age group will be benefited.


What will be the area of Intervention?

  •  This project covers all of 8 districts of Gwalior and Chambal Division.


What will be the expected time-frame of activity?

  • This program has been initiated from March-2013 and will be running till 2015.