Initiative for Persons with Disability


         DSC00650  CID has been working with Persons with Disability (SPECIALLY-ABLE PEOPLE) from last 5 years, we have been working with Sahariya tribe in special and people in general. After a long intervention, CID found that Sahariya population is more vulnerable from this issue due to detachment from general population and migration. Due to this detachment, this tribal population could not gain benefit of governmental scheme and policy which is essential to make livelihood better. Especially people with disability and their families are more in trouble due to lack of information to sustain livelihood and carry the facilities provided by the govt. Therefore CID initiated the community based rehabilitation program especially for Sahariya disable people. This approaches changed many lives and come up with good results.


Overall objective-:

Inclusion of PWDs belongs to Sahariya Tribe in special and rest of the population in general in terms of social, economical and Political.

Specific objectives-:

  • Ensuring legitimate rights and entitlements of PWDs provided by the constitution, Acts, government programs and enabling orders of the Judiciary having special focus on women and children with disability.
  • Financial inclusion of PWDs through formation of SHGs, linking them with government schemes such as NREGA, SGSY, Sparsh-Abhiyan etc.
  • Ensuring education for Children with Disability (CWDs) through inclusion of Children with disability in government education system.



Activities performed

  • Orientation for PWDs,
  • Capacity building programs,
  • Community based rehabilitation program,
  • Sparsh Abhiyan-Camp for PWDs card,
  • Health Check-up camp,
  • Promotion of Self Help Groups,
  • Publication and distribution of resource material,
  • Networking and collaboration.



Positive changes

  • Under Sparsh Abhiyan more than 250 PWDs got Sparsh Card.
  • DSC00654Pensions have been sanctioned to 74 male and 46 female with disability.
  • 42 male and 17 female PWDs got equipment after advocacy.
  • In Ashoknagar and Guna district, Fees for issuing certificate for PWDs was stop after interference of collector. This could happen after advocacy.
  • 25 children with disability got admitted in government schools.
  • 100 PWDs of Sahariya community became member of core group at village level.
  • Inclusion of CWDs in 50 Child clubs. Two children with disability are president of Child rights group at village level.
  • 197 PWD got disability certificate.
  • In Four Blocks of Intervention area block level DPOs have been emerged  to raise concerns of PWDs at block level.
  • Data base of PWDs has been prepared.

      CID also participated in many activities which were formed by various organizations. CID’s  fellows visited at APD-Bangalore, Padhar Hospital-Baitul, Roshni-Gwalior, Narayan Seva Sansthan- Udaypur etc. to study different dimension of  this critical issue. CBM is playing a vital role in our capacity building regarding various issues of PWDs. CID participated in various training and workshop which is mentioned below:-

  • Training on Project Cycle Management in Bhopal (MP).
  • Orientation program on SPSS at Bhopal (MP)
  • Panchayti Raj Institution and Advocacy for Person with disability  Khurai (MP)
  • Workshop on Corporate social responsibility at Bhopal (MP)
  • Gender and Disability  at Chhindwara  (MP)
  • Workshop on Advocacy
  • Training on Sparsh Abhiyan and CBR at Athner (MP)
  • Inclusion of disability in Public Health at  Betul (MP)
  • Workshop on National Rural Health Mission at Dehli
  • Workshop on Budgeting and Advocacy at Dehli